Posted inAncient Greece, Travel

The colossal Portara of Naxos is all that remains of what was to be the largest temple in the Aegean

The Portara is one of the most iconic monuments on the Greek island of Naxos, located in the Cyclades. This gigantic marble gateway, which stands on a small peninsula facing the city of Naxos, is all that remains of an ambitious architectural project: a temple (never completed) dedicated to the god Apollo, at the very […]

Posted inGeography, Travel

Rihonor de Castilla, the Village that is Half Spanish and Half Portuguese

Border towns and territories often have a turbulent history, being the object of both military and political confrontations over their possession, and frequently changing hands. When it comes to regions, the most characteristic examples are perhaps Alsace and Lorraine, which have alternated between being part of France and Germany. And if we talk about towns, […]

Posted inModern Era, Travel

The Story of Lampo, the Dog who Traveled through Italy Memorizing Train Schedules

Although it’s also a railway station, it’s not exactly Termini Station nor does it feature in any movies; in fact, Stazione di Campiglia Marittima is a modest spot in the Italian municipality of the same name, in the hamlet of Venturina Terme (Livorno, Tuscany), rather removed from mass tourism. However, anyone going there to catch […]

Posted inGeography, Travel

Dzungaria, the Region where the Hyperboreans Could Have Lived, is the Place on Earth Farthest from the Sea

At the border between Kazakhstan and China, south of the Altai Mountains, there is an ancient pass called the Dzungarian Gate. Its geographical and historical significance is such that it has long been described as the only gate of the mountain wall that extends from Manchuria to Afghanistan, along 4,800 kilometers. Some researchers believe that […]