Posted inAncient Egypt

Shabaka Stone, the most notable preserved document of Egyptian thought, recounting the myth of creation

The Shabaka Stone is a granite slab from the 25th Egyptian Dynasty, housed in the British Museum, containing the Memphite theology that regarded Ptah as the supreme god and creator. Ptah was the “master builder”, the inventor of masonry, and the patron of architects and craftsmen. According to some specialists, this is the most notable […]

Posted inAncient Egypt

Original Colors of Inscriptions Revealed at the Temple of Horus in Edfu

A collaborative archaeological mission between the Supreme Council of Antiquities and the University of Würzburg in Germany has revealed the original colors of inscriptions at the Temple of Horus in Edfu for the first time. This significant discovery came to light during a restoration project of the temple’s roof, initiated in 2021 and funded by […]

Posted inAncient Egypt

How Were Mirrors Made in Ancient Egypt? An Analysis Reveals the Use of Alloys That Produced Golden or Silver Reflections

The mirrors of ancient Egypt have been the subject of great attention for their cultural importance and their connection to religious beliefs. However, their manufacturing process has not been thoroughly investigated, and only a few have been included in broader analyses. How were these mirrors made? Now, recent research published in the Journal of Archaeological […]

Posted inAncient Egypt, Ancient Greece

The Frenzied Life of Ptolemy Ceraunus, the Man Who Ended the Last Successor of Alexander the Great

He was disinherited from the Egyptian throne, organized an expedition to overthrow his brother-in-law in Thrace, murdered the ally who helped him, married his own stepsister, killed her children, briefly ruled in Macedonia, and ultimately lost his life because, in his reckless impetuosity, he did not wait for reinforcements in his last battle, ending with […]

Posted inAncient Egypt, Prehistory

The Enigmatic Merimde Culture, the Origin of Egyptian Civilization

Although we are accustomed to reading about Egyptian kings and great pharaohs, about gigantic monuments such as pyramids and mastabas, Egyptian civilization did not emerge out of nowhere but developed from prehistoric cultures around the Nile Delta. The oldest, and perhaps one of the most enigmatic, which is considered the origin of the later Egyptian […]

Posted inAncient Egypt

The Best Preserved Temple in Egypt Was Saved Because It Was Buried 12 Meters Under the Sand

When Auguste Mariette, who had been sent eight years earlier by the Louvre Museum to Egypt in search of ancient manuscripts, was appointed Conservator of Monuments by the Egyptian government in 1858, he initiated a frenetic excavation activity. In 1860 alone, he directed more than 35 new excavations while also maintaining the ones already started. […]