Posted inArchaeology

A 6th Dynasty Mastaba Belonging to a High Official and his Wife, a Priestess of Hathor, Discovered in Dahshur

The Egyptian-German archaeological mission of the German Archaeological Institute, led by Dr. Stephan Seidlmayer, has discovered a mastaba dating back to the Old Kingdom during their work in the archaeological area of Dahshur in Egypt. Dr. Hisham El-Leithy, Chief of the Conservation and Documentation Sector of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, emphasized the importance of […]

Posted inArchaeology

Tomb of Famous Ming Dynasty Official Discovered in China

In the second half of 2023, the Shanxi Provincial Archaeological Research Institute, in collaboration with the Xinzhou City Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute, conducted archaeological excavations in Xinfu District as part of the realignment project for National Highway 108 between Shahe and Shilingguan. During the excavations, two Longshan culture sites and sites from the […]

Posted inClassical Archaeology

Monumental Etruscan Tomb Discovered in the Necropolis of San Giuliano North of Rome

A monumental Etruscan tomb has been discovered in the necropolis of San Giuliano, north of Rome. After years of work, a team of archaeologists unearthed an impressive Etruscan tomb that had remained partially hidden underground in the rock-cut necropolis of San Giuliano in the town of Barbarano, north of Rome. The discovery occurred while researchers […]

Posted inClassical Archaeology

Medallion of Emperor Caracalla Minted in Pergamon and Other Objects Found in Roman Tombs in Bulgaria

The Regional Museum of History in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, recently showcased valuable discoveries from Roman tombs excavated last December near the village of Nová Vrbóvka in the Strázhishe region to the media. The funerary objects – jewelry, coins, and vessels – found date back to the first half of the 3rd century AD. They originate […]

Posted inAncient Greece

The Urn Containing the Remains of Brasidas, the Spartan General Regarded as Hero in Two Different Cities

The ancient city of Amphipolis, in eastern Macedonia bordering Thrace, had three founding attempts. The first by Miletus in 497 BC, and the second by the Athenians in 465 BC. Both failed as the settlers from both expeditions were wiped out by Thracian “barbarians”. However, the third attempt succeeded when Hagnon, the son of the […]

Posted inClassical Archaeology

Archaeologists Find Exceptionally Rare Roman “Funerary Bed” in London

Archaeologists in London have discovered a fully preserved wooden funerary bed, the first of its kind found in Britain. The bed, described by experts as “unparalleled”, was unearthed at the site of an ancient Roman cemetery near the Holborn Viaduct in central London, alongside five oak coffins. Before this excavation, only three Roman wooden coffins […]

Posted inMedieval Archaeology

A 7th Century Warrior Buried in Hungary with Full Armor and Equipment and his Horse Unearthed

The Déri Museum in Debrecen, Hungary, has made a remarkable archaeological discovery after excavations in the locality of Ebes. In November 2023, museum archaeologists unearthed an Avar grave from the 7th century AD that contained the fully preserved remains of a warrior in his armor. Inside the tomb, the warrior was buried alongside his horse, […]

Posted inArchaeology

Ancient Mayan King’s Tomb Full of Inscribed Human Bones and Jade Mask Discovered by Archaeologists

A team of archaeologists from Tulane University has made an incredible discovery deep in the Guatemalan jungle – an untouched 1,700-year-old Maya royal tomb. Led by Francisco Estrada-Belli, the researchers were exploring ancient ruins known as Chochkitam near the borders of modern-day Mexico and Belize when they stumbled upon the remarkable burial site. Inside the […]