Posted inAncient Greece

Thesmophoria, the festival of ancient Greece where men were prohibited from participating

The Thesmophoria were a religious festival in ancient Greece honoring Demeter and her daughter Persephone, goddesses of agriculture and fertility. Held annually, mostly coinciding with the planting of seeds in late autumn, though in some regions it was associated with the harvest, this event celebrated human and agricultural fertility and was one of the most […]

Posted inModern Era

Montaner, the Italian Village where in 1967 a Religious Schism Occurred, with the People Converting Massively to Orthodoxy

1967 was an important year for the Italian town of Montaner, as an extravagant episode occurred that seemed straight out of an Alberto Sordi or Luigoi Comencini movie; it’s not hard to imagine Totò as the protagonist – or even Fernandel, considering the theme – although the neighbors didn’t experience it with amusement precisely. The […]

Posted inClassical Archaeology

An Etruscan Bronze Lamp Found in Cortona is an Object of Worship Associated with the Mysteries of Dionysus

Archaeologists recently re-evaluated a remarkable relic from the ancient Etruscan civilization in central Italy – a massive, elaborately decorated bronze lamp that may have been used in rituals honoring the Greek god Dionysus. The lamp, found in a ditch near the town of Cortona, has long puzzled scholars due to its unique design and mysterious […]

Posted inIron Age Archaeology

Analysis of Seeds and Fruits at the Biblical Site where Goliath Lived Reveals Philistine Ritual Practices

For over 25 years, archaeologists have been excavating the historic site of Tell es-Safi in Israel, home to the biblical city of Gath. New evidence uncovered at the site is shedding light on the mysterious Philistine culture that flourished between 1200-604 BC. A recent study published in Scientific Reports details analyses of plant remains found […]

Posted inAge of Exploration

Amakusa Shiro, the Teenage Messiah who Led the Rebellion Against the Persecution of Christians in 17th Century Japan

When we talk about persecution of Christianity, usually the image that comes to mind is that of the Roman Empire, with Roman Christians identifying themselves incognito through drawings of the Chi-Rho or a schematic fish. However, in late 16th century Japan, a similar situation was also experienced. In 1587, the daimyo Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the unifier […]

Posted inMedieval Archaeology

Archaeologists Discover a Bronze Belt Accessory Referring to an Unknown Pagan Cult of Central Europe

Archaeologists discover a bronze belt accessory referencing an unknown pagan cult in Central Europe. An extraordinary find was made by archaeologists from the Faculty of Fine Arts at Masaryk University in the town of Lány, near Breclav in the Czech Republic. It’s a bronze belt from the 8th century AD featuring a depiction of a […]