Posted inArchaeology, Science

Matching Dinosaur Footprints Found on Opposite Shores of the Atlantic Reveal Ancient Crossing Point in the Cretaceous Period

An international team of researchers, led by Southern Methodist University (SMU) paleontologist Louis L. Jacobs, has discovered matching sets of Early Cretaceous dinosaur footprints on what are now two different continents. Over 260 footprints were found in Brazil and Cameroon, providing evidence of the last time terrestrial dinosaurs could freely cross between South America and […]

Posted inPre-Columbian Era, Science

Researchers Discover that Syphilis-like Diseases Were Widespread in the Americas Before Columbus’ Arrival

Scientists have made an amazing discovery that sheds new light on the history of an important disease. Researchers from the universities of Basel and Zurich in Switzerland found the genetic material of the pathogen Treponema pallidum in the bones of people who died in Brazil around 2,000 years ago. This is the oldest confirmed discovery […]

Posted inFirst World War

The Battle of the Porpoises, when a Brazilian Cruiser Fired on the Animals Believing Them to Be a German U-boat

What’s going on with the Brazilian navy and marine life? Once upon a time, warships from that country had their ups and downs with the French during a conflict of grotesque proportions known as the Lobster War. Now, we’re going to look at an even more bizarre episode: the Battle of the Porpoises, an incident […]

Posted inModern Era

The enigmatic 512 Manuscript describing an ancient Mediterranean civilization in pre-Hispanic Brazil

Like a Lovecraft tale, the Rare Works section of the National Library of Brazil jealously guards a strange ten-page document baptized with the suggestive name of Manuscript 512. It narrates an eighteenth-century expedition during which the ruins of an ancient city were discovered that seemed to have developed a classical civilization in the Mediterranean style. […]