A recent archaeological discovery in the small Belgian town of Pommerœul, near the French border, revealed an unusual mix of human remains from different periods within a single tomb. Using advanced DNA analysis and radiocarbon dating, a team of researchers determined that a burial initially classified as Roman actually contains Late Neolithic bones combined with […]
Latin Monetary Union, the First Attempt to Create a Supranational Currency, which Operated until after World War I
We all remember the night of December 31, 2001, because at the stroke of midnight, we not only entered another year but also adopted a new currency, the euro, and some rushed to ATMs to see and touch the freshly printed bills from the European Central Bank. The idea of an international currency unification was […]
The Story of the Belgian Unit that Fought in Russia during World War I, and its Odyssey Back
You may have heard of 1914. It’s the year the First World War began, yes, but there’s also a Ukrainian death metal band named after that year because they emulate the Swedish band Sabaton, whose songs are about military history. In their case, they focus on the Great War, hence the name they chose. In […]
The Oldest Long-distance Weapons, Identified in Belgium, are 31,000 Years Old
Archaeologists in Belgium have made an incredible discovery that changes our understanding of prehistoric technology. Researchers at the University of Liege’s TraceoLab found evidence that hunter-gatherers were using long-range weapons over 31,000 years ago. This discovery predates the oldest known harpoons by about 10,000 years and shows that ancient humans innovated powerful new hunting techniques […]
Saxhorn, saxtuba, saxotromba and other lesser known instruments created by the inventor of saxophone
Although, more or less, we think we know all the musical instruments, it’s not really like that. Throughout history there have been many, many, only a good part of them fell into disuse and were relegated to oblivion. But we are not referring only to other times but also to this one. In times as […]