A recent scientific discovery published in the journal Nature Communications has unveiled compelling evidence of the presence of hominins in Europe at least 1.95 million years ago. This finding, centered on the Grăunceanu archaeological site in the OlteÈ› River valley, Romania, challenges established chronologies and provides new perspectives on the dispersion of early humans out […]
Bucharest’s Palace of the Parliament is the World’s Heaviest Building
Neither the tallest skyscraper in the Middle East or China, nor even the largest temple in the world, the heaviest building constructed by mankind is the Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest, weighing in at just over 4 million tons (in size, it’s the third-largest administrative building in the world after the American Pentagon and […]
Mysterious Inscription on a 2nd Century AD Sphinx Unearthed More Than 100 Years Ago Deciphered
In the first half of the 19th century, during archaeological excavations in the ancient Roman settlement of Potaissa in Romania, workers came across a curious artifact: a bronze statue in the style of the mythical sphinxes that once guarded the roads of the Greek island of Naxos. However, this sphinx had traveled much farther, to […]
When Emperor Hadrian destroyed the world’s longest bridge
On 103 A.D. emperor Trajan ordered to build a bridge over Danube river to be used for the crossing and supply of troops in the imminent Second Dacian War against Decebalus, for which he was preparing the biggest army since Augustus’ times, about 150,000 men. The architect Apolodorus of Damascus, to whom the Pantheon is […]