Posted inAge of Exploration

When France Evacuated Toulon and Converted the Cathedral into a Mosque to Temporarily Cede It to the Ottomans

Hayreddin Barbarossa, the famed admiral of the Ottoman Empire, effectively became the master of the Mediterranean during the first half of the 16th century. Between 1543 and 1544, he raided numerous towns along the Spanish coast as well as the Genoese coast. This was nothing new, as he had been doing so for years; what […]

Posted inAge of Exploration

The Sad Story of Icelanders Captured and Sold into Slavery by Barbary Corsairs in the 17th Century

Previously we dedicated a couple of articles to recounting the exploits of the Barbary pirates in the Atlantic, chronicling their attacks on the Canary Islands, the south of England, the Irish city of Baltimore, the archipelagos of Shetland and Faroe, the coast of Denmark, and even the East coast of what are now the United […]