Posted inScience

What is the Origin of Phosphorus and why is it so Abundant? Astronomers Propose it Formed in Nova Explosions 8 Billion Years Ago

Phosphorus is one of the essential elements for life on Earth, it plays a critical role in DNA, RNA, ATP, and other biological molecules. Yet, its origins in the universe have puzzled scientists for years. Now, a new theory suggests that the abundant presence of phosphorus on Earth might be tied to a specific type […]

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Greatest Explosion Recorded since the Big Bang Unlocks a New Cosmological Mystery

In October 2022, an international team of researchers, including astrophysicists from Northwestern University, observed the brightest gamma-ray burst (GRB) ever recorded, GRB 221009A. Now, a team led by Northwestern has confirmed that the phenomenon responsible for this historic burst, nicknamed the “Brightest of All Time” (B.O.A.T.), is the collapse and subsequent explosion of a massive […]

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Researchers Make the most Precise Measurement of the Speed at which the Universe is Expanding, and that is Key to Knowing how it Ends

DESI is an ambitious project using 5000 tiny robotic fibers to map the cosmos back 11 billion years. It is collecting light from distant galaxies and quasars to create the largest 3D map of the universe’s structure and expansion history. DESI’s first year data provides unprecedented precision in measuring how fast the universe expanded over […]

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Astronomers Identify Two of the First Cosmic Structures that Came Together to Create the Milky Way: Shakti and Shiva

Our home, the Milky Way galaxy, has a long and fascinating history. It wasn’t always the grand, spiral structure we see today. Instead, it was built up over billions of years through the merging and combining of smaller galaxies. Now, astronomers have made an exciting discovery – they’ve identified what could be the very first […]

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Astronomers Create the Largest-Ever Map of Active Supermassive Black Holes in the Universe

A team of astronomers has developed the largest three-dimensional map of the observable universe to date by cataloging the locations of nearly 1.3 million quasars. Quasars, extraordinarily bright cores of ancient galaxies powered by supermassive black holes, allow scientists to trace the expanding structure of the cosmos across billions of years. The international team, led […]

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Scientists Claim Our Universe does not Contain Dark Matter

In a new study, researchers from the University of Ottawa have questioned the current theoretical model of the universe’s composition, which suggests that it is made up of “normal matter”, “dark energy,” and “dark matter”. The study, led by Professor Rajendra Gupta from the Faculty of Science’s Department of Physics, demonstrates that the universe may […]