Posted inMiddle Ages

Pact of Theodemir, the Treaty by which a Visigothic Governor Saved his Cities and Inhabitants during the Muslim Conquest of Al-Andalus

The swift conquest of the Iberian Peninsula by the Umayyad Caliphate, taking advantage of the Visigothic kingdom’s succession civil war, cannot be explained so much by the strength of those troops, which were few in number, but by the implementation of a strategy of pacts that followed the initial resistance—especially in the south—after the Battle […]

Posted inMiddle Ages

The cities founded by the Visigoths on the Iberian Peninsula, the only newly built cities in Western Europe between the 5th and 8th centuries

In the year 507, the pressure from the Franks led the Visigoths, who had until then occupied and controlled the southern Gaul and much of the northern Iberian Peninsula, to mass migrate to Hispania. That year is considered the founding year of the Visigothic Kingdom of Toledo, which would not be consolidated until the reign […]