For the past four years, archaeologists have been carefully excavating an ancient temple located at the sanctuary of Artemis Amarysia in the island of Euboea (Greece). This summer, their work revealed new clues about what life was like in ancient times. The temple, built around 700 BC, was larger than expected at over 100 feet […]
The Largest Temple of the Imperial Cult in the Transition From Paganism to Christianity, Unearthed in Italy
Dr. Douglas Boin, a history professor at Saint Louis University, recently announced an important archaeological discovery at the annual meeting of the American Archaeological Institute. Dr. Boin and his team uncovered the remains of an ancient Roman temple in Italy that provides significant new insights into how Roman society transitioned from worshipping pagan gods to […]
Researchers Analyze Balinese Temple Relief Depicting a Man Riding a Bicycle
Researchers from the Institute of Indonesian Studies have conducted a detailed study of a small stone relief located in the village of Singaraja, in the northern part of the Indonesian island of Bali. The relief is found in the complex of Pura Maduwe Karang, an important Hindu temple in the area dating back to the […]
Two Small Temples, of a Type Never Seen Before, Found at the Haltern Roman Camp in Germany
Archaeologists from the Westphalia-Lippe region (LWL) have discovered the remains of two small Roman temples and a sacrificial pit at the site of the ancient Roman camp in Haltern (Recklinghausen district). The two rectangular cult buildings were only made of clay framework, explains Dr. Bettina Tremmel, a Roman expert from LWL. However, they followed the […]
The solar alignment that occurs twice a year in the temple of Abu Simbel
Three millennia ago Egypt was at the height of its Empire. After the war campaigns of Senusret III and a period of splendour and Egyptian pax during the government of Amenhotep III, and having saved a phase of weakness and decadence led by pharaohs like Akhenaten and Tutankhamun, the times of splendour returned with the […]