Posted inGeography, Travel

The Pyramids of Euseigne: A Unique Geological Phenomenon in the Swiss Alps

The Pyramids of Euseigne, located in the Hérens Valley, are a unique geological phenomenon and one of the main natural attractions in the canton of Valais, Switzerland. These formations, rising majestically between 10 and 15 meters in height, are the result of glacial and erosion processes dating back to the last ice age, between 80,000 […]

Posted inClassical Archaeology

Roman Military Camp Found at an Altitude of Over 2,000 Meters in the Swiss Alps

Archaeologists have made a remarkable discovery high in the Swiss Alps: a Roman military camp located over 2,200 meters above sea level in the Colm la Runga area. This site, unknown until recently, offers new insights into Roman military strategy and the extent of Roman presence in the region over 2,000 years ago. The camp’s […]