Posted inModern Era

The Spread of Ideas Thanks to the Printing Press Boosted the Witch Hunt in Central Europe

A recent historical study, published in the journal Theory and Society, seeks to explain one of the darkest and most enigmatic episodes of early modern Europe: the great witch hunt. Researchers have discovered that the expansion of persecutions between the 15th and 17th centuries was closely linked to the spread of ideas through the printing […]

Posted inAncient Rome

First Mention of the Word ‘Abracadabra’: in a Roman Medical Work from the 2nd Century AD

When we read or hear the expression Abracadabra, we immediately think of witchcraft, enchantments, magic, and things of that nature. Until a few years ago, many magicians used it in their performances, and possibly some still do. The word is not a modern invention; in fact, its age and origin are unknown. Some etymologies suggest […]

Posted inMedieval Archaeology

Strange and Exceptional ‘Curse Tablet’ Found in a Medieval Latrine in Germany

Archaeologists have made a spectacular discovery during the expansion works of the city hall in Rostock (state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania), located on the northeast coast of Germany. A seemingly unremarkable piece of metal has turned out to be a ‘cursed tablet’. It is a piece of rolled lead. Unrolling it, researchers were able to read […]