In a groundbreaking achievement, a team of international scientists has successfully retrieved a significant section of rock from the Earth’s mantle, marking a new era in the study of our planet’s inner workings. The mantle, located beneath the Earth’s crust and constituting the largest part of the planet, holds key secrets about the origins of […]
Posted inScience
NASA Finds a Strange and Unusual Whitish Rock on Mars
NASA’s Perseverance rover has discovered an intriguing whitish rock on Mars during a mission that has revealed interesting geological findings in the ancient river channel Neretva Vallis, in Jezero Crater. The rock, nicknamed “Atoko Point”, stands out for its light color and mottled texture, in contrast to the darker surrounding rocks. The discovery was made […]
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Hydrogen detected in lunar rocks would allow astronauts to obtain water on the Moon
Scientists at the United States Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) have made an exciting discovery on the Moon. They found hydrogen in samples of Moon rocks and dirt brought back to Earth by NASA’s Apollo missions. This hydrogen was from the solar wind blowing onto the lunar surface. Finding hydrogen on the Moon is big news […]