Posted inScience

No One Opens Schrödinger’s Cat’s Box: Why Doesn’t the Universe Behave Like Quantum Particles?

A new study in quantum cosmology proposes an innovative approach to address one of the oldest puzzles in physics: the transition from quantum to classical. This transition is crucial for understanding how our universe, full of well-defined stars and galaxies, emerged from a primitive quantum state where things could be in multiple states at once. […]

Posted inScience

Physicists announce new theory that unifies Gravity and Quantum Mechanics while preserving Einstein’s concept of Spacetime

Modern physics is based on two pillars. One is quantum theory, which governs the smallest particles in the universe. The other is Einstein’s general theory of relativity, which explains gravity through the curvature of spacetime. But these two theories contradict each other, and reconciling them has been difficult for over a century. The prevailing hypothesis […]