Posted inBronze Age Archaeology

Mollusks Found in Building Materials Reveal Bronze Age Cretans Used Seagrasses to Make Their Bricks Fire-Resistant

A recent study led by Rena Veropoulidou (Museum of Byzantine Culture in Thessaloniki) and Maud Devolder (Ghent University) has uncovered an innovative technique for unraveling the mysteries of Bronze Age architecture in the Aegean region. Researchers have utilized remains of marine mollusks as indirect indicators to identify traces of disintegrated mud bricks used in constructions […]

Posted inScience

Wolves Observed Feeding on Flower Nectar for the First Time

A recent study on the feeding behavior of the Ethiopian wolf, a critically endangered species, has documented an unusual interaction between this species and the Kniphofia foliosa plant. This research was conducted by the Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Program (EWCP), a joint initiative between the Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU) at the University of Oxford, the […]

Posted inMiddle Ages, Science

Mysterious plant mentioned in the Bible is resurrected by germinating a 1,000-year-old seed found in a desert cave

An international team of researchers has successfully germinated and analyzed an ancient seed, uncovering secrets that may shed light on a plant species mentioned in ancient texts like the Bible, which may have been extinct in the southern Levant region. The study, recently published in the journal Communications Biology, details how a seed recovered during […]

Posted inScience

Scientists have Solved the Mystery of where Baobabs Originated and how they Spread Around the World

Recent genomic and ecological analyses by a global research team led by the Sino-Africa Joint Research Center, CAS, hosted by the Wuhan Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, have shed light on the origins and dispersal of these iconic trees. The study reveals that Madagascar is the cradle from which all other baobab […]

Posted inArchaeology

Rare Fossil Found in Canada Shows Trees Had Surprisingly Bizarre Shapes 350 Million Years Ago

Researchers in Canada have discovered the fossil of a really strange tree that lived over 350 million years ago. They published their findings in Current Biology journal magazine. This tree fossil is special because it still has parts that show what the branches and leaves looked like. Tree fossils usually just show the trunk. The […]