Located in the Arctic Ocean, between the Chukchi Sea and the East Siberian Sea, Wrangel Island is a 7,600 km² enclave, equivalent in size to Crete. It is part of Russia’s Chukotka Autonomous District and has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2004 due to its unique biodiversity and historical significance. The […]
The Sanctuary of the Nympholyptos on Mount Hymettus, a cave filled with reliefs and inscriptions created by a sculptor possessed by the nymphs in the 5th century BCE
In the heart of the Attica region in Greece, nestled among the majestic hills of Mount Hymettus, lies an enigmatic place that has witnessed the passage of time and the devotion of ancient peoples. The Cave of the Nympholyptos is an archaeological site of exceptional historical and cultural importance. Surrounded by myths and sculptures carved […]
Beyond Cute: California Squirrels Now Hunt and Eat Small Rodents
When picturing a ground squirrel, it’s common to imagine a creature stuffing its cheeks with nuts or seeds. However, a groundbreaking study has revealed an unexpected facet of California ground squirrels’ behavior: these rodents are active hunters that prey on small mammals like voles. This discovery, led by researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire […]
For the first time in history, scientists have found amber fragments in Antarctica, at a depth of 946 meters
For the first time in history, scientists have found amber fragments in Antarctica, thus closing one of the few remaining gaps in the world map of amber discoveries. This significant finding was made possible by a scientific expedition led by Dr. Johann P. Klages from the Alfred Wegener Institute (Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine […]
The Curious Phenomenon of Tree Shyness
We know that shyness affects both humans and animals, but what about plants? It turns out that yes, certain species of trees develop what is botanically referred to as shyness, which consists of an unusual growth of their branches that avoids touching those of neighboring trees. When this happens between specimens that are very close […]
Terror Birds, the Superpredators of Prehistoric South America
In the vast plains of ancient South America, millions of years ago, a menacing shadow loomed over the grasslands. It wasn’t a dinosaur or a mammalian predator, but a colossal bird that dominated the food chain. These creatures, scientifically known as Phorusrhacidae (terror birds), were one of the most formidable groups of predators to have […]
The Largest Bat in Africa Looks Like a Monstrous Gargoyle from a Medieval Cathedral
Its scientific name, Hypsignathus monstrosus, describes a little animal as photogenic as the Hammer-headed fruit bat, a unique species in its genus that inhabits the sub-Saharan lands from Sierra Leone to Kenya, Angola, and Zambia. It is a megabat, the largest of all those living in Africa, with a wingspan of almost a meter, and […]
The Sea Mollusk That’s Half Animal, Half Plant, and Feeds on Sunlight
Elysia chlorotica, commonly known as the green leaf sea slug, is a sea mollusk with unique features that are part animal and part plant. It belongs to the phylum Mollusca (mollusks like clams, oysters, or octopuses) and the class Gastropoda (like snails and sea slugs), but it has the amazing ability to photosynthesize like plants. […]
Expedition Discovers More than 100 Astonishing New Species in Chile’s Coastal Seamounts
An international team of scientists, led by Dr. Javier Sellanes of Chile’s Universidad Católica del Norte, may have discovered over 100 new species living on the undersea mountains off the coast of Chile. The recent expedition by the Schmidt Ocean Institute allowed researchers to identify several potentially new species, including deep sea corals, glass sponges, […]
Giant Predatory Worm Fossils More Than 500 Million Years Old Discovered in Northern Greenland
Scientists have uncovered fossils of a new group of predatory animals from the Early Cambrian Sirius Passet locality in northern Greenland. Dating back over 518 million years, these large worms were potentially some of the first animal carnivores to inhabit the water column, revealing a dynasty of hunters previously unknown to science. The new fossil […]