Archaeologists from the University of Valladolid have discovered in the Millán Cave, located in the northern Iberian Peninsula, in the Spanish province of Burgos, an Initial Upper Paleolithic lithic industry, which they have named “Arlanzian”, and which stands out as the oldest and southernmost of its kind in the peninsula. This industry, of uncertain origin, […]
Lithic technology
Researchers Discover why Homo Erectus Repeatedly Visited the Same Quarries Over Hundreds of Thousands of Years
Researchers from Tel Aviv University have solved a longstanding mystery about the extensive prehistoric stone quarrying and tool-making sites found in the region. For hundreds of thousands of years, why did Homo erectus repeatedly visit the same locations to extract flint and craft stone tools? The answer lies in the migration patterns of elephants – […]
Earliest Known Human Settlement in Europe Discovered in Ukraine
New findings from an international team led by Roman Garba from the Nuclear Physics Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences have confirmed that the oldest known human occupation in Europe occurred 1.4 million years ago near the town of Korolevo in western Ukraine. Until now, the earliest inhabited site in Europe was thought to […]
Researchers Challenge Traditional Account of Homo Sapiens’ Technological Leap Due to Sudden Neuronal Mutation
A study led by researchers at the University of Nagoya Museum in Japan is challenging long-held beliefs about when and how cultural transitions occurred for Homo sapiens as they dispersed across Eurasia between 50,000 and 40,000 years ago. The findings, published in Nature Communications, suggest that the idea of a singular “revolution” that allowed anatomically […]
Rare find in Germany: Complete Cave Bear Skeletons, Jaws, and Paleolithic Stone Tools Unearthed
During archaeological investigations in the Ansbach district, Bavaria, Germany, in 2022, thousands of cave bear bones from the Stone Age and various stone tools were uncovered. Between August and October of this year, archaeologists stumbled upon additional findings during new excavations, presumably dating back to the Paleolithic era. Of particular interest to scientists is the […]
Archaeologists recover Neolithic Ship Cargo off the Coast of Capri in Italy
The Metropolitan Area Superintendence of Naples recovered a series of Neolithic-era obsidian cores near Capri’s Blue Grotto in October 2023, suggesting broader area usage in prehistoric times.
Giant 200,000-year-old prehistoric stone axe discovered in northwestern Arabia
A prehistoric giant stone axe, dating back 200,000 years, was discovered in northwest Arabia by an archaeological expedition. This finding, made in the desert near Al-Ula, could potentially rewrite the human history of the region. The team unearthed what appears to be the largest stone bifacial tool ever found. Bifaces are stone tools worked on […]