Posted inIron Age Archaeology

Iron Age beads found in Syria were created from Baltic amber from over 3000 kilometers away

A recent analysis of beads discovered in the ancient city of Hama, Syria, has revealed that some were crafted from Baltic amber, transported over 3,000 kilometers. This remarkable find highlights Hama’s role in long-distance trade during the Iron Age and the Mesopotamian fascination with exotic goods. Located in western Syria, Hama is among the oldest […]

Posted inClassical Archaeology

A Small Hellenistic Gold Ring with a Garnet Found in an Exceptional State of Preservation in Jerusalem

A stunning piece of ancient jewelry, a small gold ring adorned with a precious red gemstone, believed to be a garnet, has been uncovered in archaeological excavations in the City of David, part of the Jerusalem Walls National Park. This remarkable find dates back approximately 2,300 years to the early Hellenistic period. The gold ring, […]

Posted inStone Age Archaeology

An Extraordinary 4000-Year-Old Prehistoric Seal Found in the Ancient City of Kalba in the Gulf of Oman

Extensive commercial networks stretching from the Indus Valley to the Aegean Sea can be traced back approximately 4500 years. Within these networks, the key role of land routes and sea lanes is evidenced by the discovery of objects made from exotic and precious materials at numerous sites that occupied important nodes along potential routes. It […]

Posted inArchaeology

1300-Year-Old Tomb of a Man Buried Face Down on Top of a Woman with a Fabulous Gold Treasure Trove Found in Panama

A recent excavation at the El Caño archaeological park in the province of Coclé has unearthed the remains of a powerful ruler of the region and a spectacular funerary assemblage composed of gold pieces, ceramics, and other materials. The discovery, made this summer by a team from the Ministry of Culture and the El Caño […]

Posted inMedieval Archaeology

Gold Ring Reveals Possible New Princely Lineage in Jutland Linked to Merovingians

A treasure hunter has uncovered an elaborate gold ring in southwestern Denmark that could shed light on a previously unknown lineage of royal figures with ties to powerful European dynasties in the early Medieval period. Lars Nielsen, 39, was metal detecting in the fields near Emmerlev when he came across the large gold ring encrusted […]

Posted inClassical Archaeology

Roman Ligula or “Toilet Spoon” Unearthed in Wales

A metal detectorist found a Roman silver “ligula” in the municipality of St. Nicholas and Bonvilston in Wales, commonly known as a “toilet spoon”. The discovery, made in June 2020, has now been declared a treasure by Welsh authorities, along with other items. Immediately after the discovery, Mark Lodwick, Coordinator of the Portable Antiquities Scheme […]

Posted inArchaeology

A Necklace of 29 Marine Snail Earrings Worked to Look Like Fangs, Found in a Burial Site of the Huasteca Culture

A team of archaeologists from the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) made an impressive discovery at the site known as Cima de San José in the southwest of the state of Tamaulipas. They recovered the remains of 48 individual and multiple burials, associated with numerous hearths. This constitutes the largest osteological sample of […]

Posted inMedieval Archaeology

Archaeologists Discover a Bronze Belt Accessory Referring to an Unknown Pagan Cult of Central Europe

Archaeologists discover a bronze belt accessory referencing an unknown pagan cult in Central Europe. An extraordinary find was made by archaeologists from the Faculty of Fine Arts at Masaryk University in the town of Lány, near Breclav in the Czech Republic. It’s a bronze belt from the 8th century AD featuring a depiction of a […]

Posted inArchaeology, Prehistory

Jewelry Metal Found in an Iron Age Burial in Finland Originates from Southern Europe

A recently published study indicates that the material of the jewelry found with human remains in the Levänluhta burial comes from southern Europe, contrary to what researchers had previously thought. The Levänluhta site, dating from the Iron Age in the region (300-800 AD, later than the Mediterranean), is one of the most famous archaeological sites […]