Posted inArchaeology

The entire Maya city of Ucanal and its inhabitants were contaminated with mercury

A recent study published in the Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports has revealed mercury contamination in the ancient water reservoirs of the Maya city of Ucanal, located in Petén, Guatemala. The research team, made up of archaeologists and geoscientists, found excessively high levels of mercury in the sediments of three water reservoirs dating back to […]

Posted inArchaeology

Maya Ruler Burned Bodies of their Predecessors to Reinvent the Kingdom, Remains Found in Ucanal Reveal

Researchers have discovered evidence of a ritual burning event of human bones in the early 9th century at the Maya site of Ucanal (Guatemala), the capital of the K’anwitznal kingdom. This event marked a moment of change not only for the kingdom but also for the Maya Lowlands in general. Excavations at Ucanal have revealed […]

Posted inPre-Columbian Era

Piedras Negras, the City where the Inscriptions that Proved the Maya had Historical Records were Found

Seasoned travelers often say, not without reason, that Guatemala is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. A big part of it is thanks to marvelous sites like Lake Atitlán, the pools of Semuc Champey, Chichicastenango, Quetzaltenango (Xela), Izabal, or the abandoned city of Antigua. But also the splendid Mayan archaeological sites of […]

Posted inArchaeology

Ancient Mayan King’s Tomb Full of Inscribed Human Bones and Jade Mask Discovered by Archaeologists

A team of archaeologists from Tulane University has made an incredible discovery deep in the Guatemalan jungle – an untouched 1,700-year-old Maya royal tomb. Led by Francisco Estrada-Belli, the researchers were exploring ancient ruins known as Chochkitam near the borders of modern-day Mexico and Belize when they stumbled upon the remarkable burial site. Inside the […]