One of the main consequences of the Lelantine War, which for the first time between 710 and 650 BC pitted two factions of Greek city-states against each other, was the destruction of Lefkandi. It was the most prosperous city in the area but had the misfortune of being located at the mouth of the Lelas […]
Posted inClassical Archaeology
A Strange and Huge Temple, inside which Sacrifices Were Performed, was Found in the Sanctuary of Artemis Amarysia in Euboea
For the past four years, archaeologists have been carefully excavating an ancient temple located at the sanctuary of Artemis Amarysia in the island of Euboea (Greece). This summer, their work revealed new clues about what life was like in ancient times. The temple, built around 700 BC, was larger than expected at over 100 feet […]