For decades, paleontologists have debated how and when dinosaurs emerged and spread across the planet more than 200 million years ago. The prevailing theory suggested that dinosaurs first arose in the southern part of the ancient supercontinent Pangaea, known as Gondwana, before expanding northward into Laurasia. However, recent discoveries are reshaping this narrative. Paleontologists from […]
5 Extensive Dinosaur Trackways up to 150 Meters Long Discovered in Britain
An excavation at Dewars Farm Quarry in Oxfordshire (United Kingdom) has unearthed five extensive dinosaur trackways, with evidence of additional traces in the surrounding areas. The longest trackway discovered measures over 150 meters in length, a tangible testament to the giants that once inhabited the region during the Middle Jurassic Period. Of the five identified […]
Volcanic Eruptions Didn’t Doom the Dinosaurs: Fossil Molecules Reveal Meteorite Came 30,000 Years Later
For decades, scientists have debated the causes behind the mass extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs 66 million years ago. While the Chicxulub meteorite impact has been widely regarded as the primary culprit, massive volcanic eruptions in India, known as the Deccan Traps, were also considered a potential factor. New research, however, reveals that […]
What Did Dinosaurs Eat to Grow So Large? New Findings in Their Droppings Reveal How They Achieved Supremacy
Approximately 200 million years ago, during the transition between the Triassic and Jurassic geological eras, dinosaurs began to stand out significantly in terrestrial ecosystems. During this period, not only did they grow in size, but they also managed to outcompete other reptiles, becoming the largest animals on the Earth’s surface. To better understand this fascinating […]
Matching Dinosaur Footprints Found on Opposite Shores of the Atlantic Reveal Ancient Crossing Point in the Cretaceous Period
An international team of researchers, led by Southern Methodist University (SMU) paleontologist Louis L. Jacobs, has discovered matching sets of Early Cretaceous dinosaur footprints on what are now two different continents. Over 260 footprints were found in Brazil and Cameroon, providing evidence of the last time terrestrial dinosaurs could freely cross between South America and […]
New Study Says Dinosaur Fossils did not Inspire the Griffin Myth
A widely accepted idea that dinosaur fossils inspired the myth of the griffin, a creature with the head and wings of an eagle on a lion’s body, has been challenged by a new study. For over 30 years, this link has been popularized, starting with articles and books by Adrienne Mayor, such as her 1989 […]
Spielberg Was Right: Study Shows Five Triceratops Lived and Died Together
In the summer of 2013, a team of archaeologists from the Naturalis Biodiversity Center in the Netherlands were excavating in Wyoming, searching for a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Instead, they made a remarkable discovery – not one, but several Triceratops fossils. This famous three-horned dinosaur with the large frill around its neck was found, not just once, […]
Researchers Identify World’s Oldest Long-Necked Sea Dinosaur
A team of international scientists, led by paleontologists from the Stuttgart Natural History Museum, has made a remarkable discovery that sheds new light on the early evolution of long-necked marine dinosaurs. The fossil in question, known as Trachelosaurus fischeri, was first described in the early 20th century and has been a subject of debate among […]
Feather and Wing Analysis Reveals which Dinosaurs Could Fly
Most birds can fly, but flightless birds like penguins and ostriches have adapted to life without wings. Scientists, though, have much to learn about differences between flying and non-flying birds. In a new study published in PNAS, researchers examined hundreds of bird specimens from museum collections and uncovered common traits all flying birds share. These […]
Tracks from 210 million years ago that do not match any animal in the fossil record discovered in southern Africa
Paleontologists in South Africa have uncovered evidence of creatures walking on bird-like feet over 210 million years ago. Researchers Miengah Abrahams and Emese M. Bordy from the University of Cape Town studied distinctive three-toed footprints called “Trisauropodiscus” found at many fossil sites in South Africa. For years, scientists debated what animals may have left these […]