Posted inScience

Scientists Claim Dark Energy does not Exist, and Accelerated Expansion of Universe is an Illusion Caused by Gravity slowing down time

For decades, dark energy has been one of the most enigmatic concepts in physics, introduced to explain the accelerated expansion of the Universe. This mysterious force, often described as an “antigravity” effect, was thought to make up approximately 70% of the Universe’s total energy density. However, new research challenges this assumption, proposing a groundbreaking explanation […]

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Scientists Discover that Dark Energy Density in the Universe Determines the Likelihood of Intelligent Life Existing

A recent study led by scientists from Durham University explores a fundamental question in cosmology: How does the density of dark energy affect the likelihood of intelligent life arising in the Universe? To answer this question, the researchers developed a theoretical model inspired by the famous Drake Equation, which examines the ideal conditions for star […]

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Evidence Found that the Mysterious Dark Energy Driving the Expansion of the Universe is Created Inside Black Holes

In the earliest moments of the universe, nearly 14 billion years ago, a phenomenon both fascinating and mysterious occurred. At the very moment of the Big Bang, an unknown force triggered a rapid exponential expansion of the universe in its initial stage. This event, known as cosmic inflation, allowed for the creation of all the […]

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Researchers Make the most Precise Measurement of the Speed at which the Universe is Expanding, and that is Key to Knowing how it Ends

DESI is an ambitious project using 5000 tiny robotic fibers to map the cosmos back 11 billion years. It is collecting light from distant galaxies and quasars to create the largest 3D map of the universe’s structure and expansion history. DESI’s first year data provides unprecedented precision in measuring how fast the universe expanded over […]