Posted inClassical Archaeology

The remains found in the Octagon Tomb of Ephesus are revealed not to be Cleopatra’s sister but a 14-year-old boy

An interdisciplinary team led by anthropologist Gerhard Weber from the University of Vienna, together with experts from the Austrian Academy of Sciences, has concluded, after analyzing a skull discovered in 1929 in the ruins of the Octagon Tomb of Ephesus in Turkey, that the remains belong to a boy aged between 11 and 14 with […]

Posted inClassical Archaeology

Statue Possibly Representing Cleopatra VII and Numerous Coins Featuring Her Effigy Found at the Temple of Taposiris Magna, West of Alexandria

The Egyptian-Dominican archaeological mission, led by Dr. Kathleen Martínez in collaboration with the National University Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), has made new discoveries at the Temple of Taposiris Magna, located west of Alexandria. Among the most notable findings are foundation deposits beneath the southern wall of the enclosure, containing artifacts and ceremonial objects that shed […]