In the vast plains of ancient South America, millions of years ago, a menacing shadow loomed over the grasslands. It wasn’t a dinosaur or a mammalian predator, but a colossal bird that dominated the food chain. These creatures, scientifically known as Phorusrhacidae (terror birds), were one of the most formidable groups of predators to have […]
Researchers Discover Why Birds Eat Feces and Why You Should Never Give them Bread
In a study led by the University of South Australia and published in Biological Reviews, researchers have shed light on the surprising role of coprophagy, or the consumption of feces, in shaping the digestive tract of wild birds. This peculiar habit allows birds to absorb lost or deficient nutrients and adapt to seasonal variations in […]
Feather and Wing Analysis Reveals which Dinosaurs Could Fly
Most birds can fly, but flightless birds like penguins and ostriches have adapted to life without wings. Scientists, though, have much to learn about differences between flying and non-flying birds. In a new study published in PNAS, researchers examined hundreds of bird specimens from museum collections and uncovered common traits all flying birds share. These […]