Posted inModern Era, Second World War

The Japanese ambassador to Berlin who involuntarily made Normandy landings easier to the Allies

Although intelligence services were consecrated above all in the Cold War, they had already had more or less important roles throughout History. In that sense, it is possible to consider among the best agents that have ever existed, one that operated during the Second World War, providing a thousand and a half reports to the […]

Posted inAncient Egypt

Ibn Wahshiyya, the Nabataean who could have translated Egyptian hieroglyphs before Champollion

Today we are going to discover an almost unknown individual, a good representative from other times, who may have been the first to decipher the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs almost nine centuries earlier than is believed. We are referring to the Arab scholar Ibn Wahshiyya. In mid-September 1822, Jean-François Champollion managed to finish off the work […]

Posted inModern Era

The sinking of the San Diego, the Spanish galleon that carried Japanese mercenaries to stop a Dutch invasion

Maybe you’ve heard of Franck Goddio. He is a submarine archaeologist, born in Morocco but of French nationality, who a couple of decades ago discovered the location of the Egyptian city of Heracleion under sea and has also directed some important excavations around Alexandria. But, above all, he has become famous for his work on […]

Posted inAntiquity

Kurkh Monolith, the first documentary reference to Israel and the Arabs

One of the most curious, interesting and controversial archaeological pieces preserved in the British Museum is the so-called Kurkh Monolith. It is a fairly large Assyrian stele with inscribed descriptions of King Shalmaneser III. The information provided is essential to know the military campaigns of the sovereign but is also important because it contains the […]

Posted inCulture

The controversial right of the prisoner to escape, which is not a crime in countries such as Germany or Belgium

Recently, reviewing the cinematographic subgenre of prison escapes, a handful of interesting titles came out. Some are set in civil prisons, such as Escape from Alcatraz or the television series Prison Break; others take place in the context of world wars, case of The Great Escape, The Mckenzie Break or La Grande Illusion. In all […]