Posted inGeography

The Spectacular Mud Volcanoes of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan, located between the Caspian Sea and the Caucasus Mountains, is home to hundreds of active mud volcanoes. Locally known as “yanardagh”, which means “burning mountain”, these volcanoes regularly expel mud, water, gases, and flames, creating a spectacular landscape. Mud volcanoes exist on almost every continent. It is estimated that Azerbaijan has around 400 mud […]

Posted inGeography, Travel

Rihonor de Castilla, the Village that is Half Spanish and Half Portuguese

Border towns and territories often have a turbulent history, being the object of both military and political confrontations over their possession, and frequently changing hands. When it comes to regions, the most characteristic examples are perhaps Alsace and Lorraine, which have alternated between being part of France and Germany. And if we talk about towns, […]

Posted inGeography

Antarctica: The Unknown Frontier Between Utopia and Dystopia

The Antarctic continent, with its vast and icy expanse, has fascinated explorers, scientists, and diplomats for centuries. This interest arises not only from its desolation and inhospitable beauty but also from the geographical and political imaginations it has inspired throughout history. A recent article by Joanne Yao explores how Antarctica, long conceived as the mythical […]

Posted inGeography

Longyearbyen, the northernmost city in the world with a permanent population, where carrying a rifle is mandatory when leaving

In the Svalbard archipelago, at 78 degrees north latitude, lies Longyearbyen, the northernmost city in the world with a permanent population. This Norwegian settlement, founded in 1906 by American businessman John Munroe Longyear as a mining town, has evolved over more than a century to become a fascinating microcosm of human life in the Arctic. […]

Posted inGeography

By 2100, Ships Could Sail Year-Round Through the Northern Sea Route in the Arctic, Changing Geopolitics and Global Trade

A team of researchers led by Pengjun Zhao has presented a revealing report on the future of maritime trade in the Arctic, specifically along the Northern Sea Route. This study, published in the journal Communications Earth & Environment, explores how climate change could allow navigation along this route year-round by the year 2100. Currently, Arctic […]